Who Is Dave Rubin Married To, Husband, Boyfriend, Partner

Who Is Dave Rubin Married To, Husband, Boyfriend, Partner

Who Is Dave Rubin Married To
, Husband, Girlfriend, Partner

Who Is Dave Rubin Married To, Husband, Boyfriend, Partner: Dave Rubin talks about politics on his show, The Rubin Report. He used to do entertainment stuff before talking about politics. People sometimes argue about him, but he likes to have open conversations. This article looks at his work, what he thinks about politics, and the things that people talk about him. It also talks about his personal life, like being married to David Janet. Rubin talks about politics in a way that some people like, and some people don’t.

Who Is Dave Rubin?

Dave Rubin is a man who talks about politics on a show called The Rubin Report. Many people know him because he talks about important things and has interesting conversations. Before talking about politics, he used to make people laugh doing stand-up comedy. His show, The Rubin Report, started in 2015 and has become popular on YouTube.

Dave Rubin’s personal life is a bit complicated. He is married to David Janet, who is a producer. They got engaged and had a wedding that people talked about. Rubin and Janet also work together on The Rubin Report. In 2022, they became parents to twin sons, making their family bigger and happier. Rubin’s life is not only about politics but also about his family and working with his husband.

Who Is Dave Rubin Married To?

Dave Rubin is married to David Janet, who is a producer. This means they are husband and husband. People like to know about their marriage because it makes Dave Rubin’s life more interesting, especially when he is not talking about politics.

Dave Rubin’s personal life is about his marriage to David Janet. This is important to him, and they had a special way of asking each other to be husbands. They also had a big party with their friends and family when they got married. It’s not just about talking about politics; Dave Rubin has a life outside of that.

Dave Rubin’s Personal Life: Marriage to David Janet

Dave Rubin’s personal life is all about being married to David Janet, who helps him with his work. They got engaged in a special way while recording The Rubin Report. Later, they had a wedding in Santa Monica, California, where they live. Rubin cares about his personal life as much as he cares about talking about politics.

Engagement and Marriage

Dave Rubin asked David Janet to be his husband during a live recording of The Rubin Report in December 2014. This made people see a different side of Rubin, showing that he is not only serious about politics but also about his personal life. They got married in August 2015, and it was a happy day for them.

A Supportive Partnership

David Janet is not just Rubin’s husband; he also helps Rubin with his work. He is a producer on The Rubin Report, and they talk about ideas together. Their work relationship is also part of their life outside of work.

Family Expansion and Philanthropy

In March 2022, Rubin and Janet shared that they were going to have twins, which means two babies at the same time. They had their first baby, Justin Jordan, in August 2022. People are interested in their growing family. Rubin and Janet also help others by giving money to charities. They care a lot about LGBTQ+ rights, and they work to make things better for people in that community. This is not just something they talk about; they also do things to help.

Dave Rubin Husband, Partner?

Dave Rubin has a husband named David Janet. David Janet is a person who helps Rubin and is also his life partner. They got married in 2015, and they became parents to twin boys in 2022. This means they have two sons who were born at the same time. David Janet is not only Rubin’s husband, but he also helps him with his work on the show called “The Rubin Report.”


Dave Rubin’s life is like a story with different parts. He talks about politics, which means he discusses important things happening in the world. Sometimes, people don’t agree with him, and that’s called controversy. Rubin started talking about politics after doing funny things like stand-up comedy. His show, “The Rubin Report,” is where he talks to many different people. Rubin is famous in the political world, and people have different opinions about him. His husband, David Janet, is a big part of his life.

They got married in 2015 and had twin boys in 2022, with the help of someone else carrying the babies. David Janet not only supports Rubin at home but also helps with his work on the show. Rubin is not just a political person; he is also a husband and a dad. He and David Janet also help others by giving money to charities. They care about different things, not just politics. This makes Dave Rubin an interesting person, not only in politics but also in his personal life.


What is Dave Rubin known for in the world of media and commentary?

Dave Rubin is well-known for his role as a political commentator, particularly through his show, “The Rubin Report.”

Who is Dave Rubin married to, and what role does his husband play in his life and career?

Dave Rubin is married to David Janet, a producer, who not only supports him personally but also works behind the scenes on Rubin’s show, “The Rubin Report.”

How did Dave Rubin and David Janet expand their family, and what special announcement did they make in 2022?

Dave Rubin and David Janet expanded their family by having twin boys through surrogacy, and in 2022, they announced the impending arrival of their twins.

Besides politics, what philanthropic efforts are Dave Rubin and David Janet involved in?

Dave Rubin and David Janet are actively engaged in philanthropy, supporting various charitable causes, with a particular focus on LGBTQ+ rights.


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