Dele Farotimi Biography: Wikipedia, Wife, Wiki, Birthday, Age, Net Worth, Parents, YouTube, profile

Dele Farotimi Biography: Wikipedia, Wife, Wiki, Birthday, Age, Net Worth, Parents, YouTube, profile

Dele Farotimi Biography: Wikipedia, Wife, Wiki, Birthday, Age, Net Worth, Parents, YouTube, profile: Dele Farotimi is a famous person in Nigeria. He was born on April 27, 1968, in Lagos. Dele is a lawyer, which means he helps people with legal matters. He also talks to the public about important issues and fights for changes in politics.

Dele is known for working hard in his job and trying to stop corruption. Some people might not always agree with him, and there could be some arguments about his ideas. But overall, Dele Farotimi has achieved many important things in his life.

Dele Farotimi Biography
Dele Farotimi Biography: Wikipedia, Wife, Wiki, Birthday, Age, Net Worth, Parents, YouTube, profile

Dele Farotimi Bio

  • Date of Birth: April 27, 1968
  • Place of Birth: Lagos, Nigeria
  • Age: 55 years old
  • Occupation: Lawyer, Writer
  • Education: Lagos State University (Law Degree, 1999)
  • Career Highlights:
  • President of Student Union
  • Founder of Dele Farotimi & Co (DF Legal, 2002)
  • Spokesperson for Obi-Datti Presidential Campaign (2023)
  • Net Worth: Estimated $2 million
  • Ethnicity: Nigerian
  • Controversy: Raised alarm about a plot against his life in 2021

Dele Farotimi’s Early Life

Dele Farotimi was born in Lagos, Nigeria, on April 27, 1968. As a kid, he liked talking about important things and growing up in Lagos taught him about Nigeria’s different cultures.

Dele Farotimi’s Education

Dele went to school in Oyo, Nigeria, and later learned about law at Lagos State University. After finishing school, he became a lawyer in 1999.

Dele Farotimi’s Family Background

Dele Farotimi Biography
Dele Farotimi Biography: Wikipedia, Wife, Wiki, Birthday, Age, Net Worth, Parents, YouTube, profile

We don’t know much about Dele Farotimi’s family, but it seems they care about education and being fair. This likely influenced how Dele thinks about helping others.


Dele Farotimi’s Career Journey

Dele started working at different law firms. In 2002, he began his own law firm, helping people with legal problems. He also works in politics, wanting to make the Nigerian government better.

Dele Farotimi’s Controversy

Dele Farotimi has faced some problems because he talks strongly against corruption in Nigeria. In 2021, he said powerful people in Lagos were plotting against him. He told the police about it. Even with risks, he wants to stand up for what he believes.

Dele Farotimi’s Net Worth

Dele Farotimi’s money is estimated to be around $2 million. Most of it comes from his work as a lawyer. Even with this success, he stays focused on making Nigeria better, especially by fighting corruption.

Dele Farotimi’s Identity

Dele Farotimi is proudly Nigerian. He talks about issues that affect everyone, but being Nigerian is important to him. He wants Nigeria to be fair and just for everyone.

Dele Farotimi Social Media Platform

Instagram (IG)Dele Farotimi (@delefarotimi)
Twitter (X)Dele Farotimi. A victim of Nigeria
Facebook (FB)Dele Farotimi
Dele Farotimi Biography: Wikipedia, Wife, Wiki, Birthday, Age, Net Worth, Parents, YouTube, profile

Dele Farotimi’s Commitment

Dele Farotimi’s life shows us that he is committed to making things better. From being a student leader to becoming a respected lawyer and activist, he keeps working for fairness and positive changes in Nigeria. Even when facing challenges and threats, he remains determined to create a better Nigeria for the future.


we can see that Dele Farotimi really wants Nigeria to be a better place. He started caring about this when he was a kid in Lagos, and as he grew up, he became a lawyer and someone who speaks up for what’s right. Even when some people don’t agree with him and even try to make things hard for him, he keeps going.

Dele Farotimi is like a superhero, working to make Nigeria fair and good for everyone, especially the kids who will grow up after him. His story is a reminder that we can all do something to make the world a better and fairer place.



How did Dele Farotimi help during the 2023 election in Nigeria?

Dele Farotimi talked a lot to support a person named Peter Obi who wanted to be the leader. He wanted good rules for the country.

Why did some people not like Dele Farotimi in 2021, and what happened to him?

Dele Farotimi spoke against bad things in the government. In 2021, he said some powerful people wanted to hurt him because he talked about keeping a place open.

What made Dele Farotimi always want to be fair and change things?

Dele Farotimi learned about being fair when he was a kid. His family and friends talked a lot about making things right. As he grew up, he worked to change things in schools and as a lawyer.

How did Dele Farotimi become a lawyer, and what is his law firm known for?

Dele Farotimi went to a special school to learn about laws. After working at different places, he started his own law firm in 2002. It helps people with many legal problems and is famous for being good at its job.

What does Dele Farotimi do to make the government better, and why is he talking a lot about elections?

Dele Farotimi does things to change how the government works. He talks a lot about making elections fair and telling leaders to do good things. He even helped someone in an election in 2023.

Why does Dele Farotimi care so much about Nigeria, and how does he want things to be fair?

Dele Farotimi loves Nigeria and wants it to be a good place for everyone. He talks about how people should be treated well no matter where they are from. His family taught him these good things when he was a kid.

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