Elisabeth Elliot Wiki: Biography, Wikipedia, Daughter, Books, Devotional, Ethnicity, YouTube, Husbands, Quotes

Elisabeth Elliot Wiki: Biography, Wikipedia, Daughter, Books, Devotional, Ethnicity, YouTube, Husbands, Quotes

Elisabeth Elliot Wiki: Biography, Wikipedia, Daughter, Books, Devotional, Ethnicity, YouTube, Husbands, Quotes: She was an amazing person who did important things in the world. She helped people understand about God, and she went to different places to tell them about Him.

Elisabeth wrote many books and spoke to many people, teaching them about faith and how to be strong even when things are difficult. Her life had sad moments when she lost people she loved, but she never gave up on helping others and telling them about God. Many people all over the world still feel inspired by her and what she did.

Elisabeth Elliot Wiki: Biography, Wikipedia, Daughter, Books, Devotional, Ethnicity, YouTube, Husbands, Quotes

Elisabeth Elliot Bio

Full NameElisabeth Elliot
BirthdateDecember 21, 1926
BirthplaceBrussels, Belgium
OccupationChristian Missionary, Author, Speaker
SpousesJim Elliot (1953-1956), Addison Leitch (1969-1973), Lars Gren (1977-2015)
ChildrenValerie Elliot Shepard
Notable Works“Through Gates of Splendor”, “Passion and Purity”, and over twenty other books
Educational BackgroundStudied Classical Greek at Wheaton College
Missionary WorkSpread Christianity, especially among indigenous tribes in Ecuador.
LegacyInspires millions with her faith and writings
Elisabeth Elliot Wiki: Biography, Wikipedia, Daughter, Books, Devotional, Ethnicity, YouTube, Husbands, Quotes

Elisabeth Elliot Early Life and Education

Elisabeth Elliot was born in 1926 in Belgium and did wonderful things for God. She traveled to faraway places, telling people about Jesus. Even though her first husband, Jim, died during a mission, she didn’t give up.

Elisabeth Elliot Personal Life and Relationships

Elisabeth grew up in a family that loved God. They moved to a place called Pennsylvania, and she learned about Greek in college to help her talk to people about God.

Elisabeth Elliot Family and Friends

Elisabeth had happy and sad times in her life. After Jim, she got married again and had a family. She loved her daughter, Valerie, and grandchildren a lot.

Elisabeth Elliot Missionary Work and Tragedy

Elisabeth Elliot Wiki: Biography, Wikipedia, Daughter, Books, Devotional, Ethnicity, YouTube, Husbands, Quotes

She and Jim went to a place called Ecuador to tell native people about God. Sadly, Jim and his friends died there. But Elisabeth didn’t stop. She forgave and went to live with those people.

Writing Stories

Elisabeth wrote many books about God’s love. People across the globe continue to engage with them. Her stories teach us about believing in God even when things are hard.

Later Years and Remembering

As Elisabeth grew older, she kept talking about God on the radio. Even though she’s not here now, her stories and love for God stay with us. We can learn from her to be brave and love others like she did.


Elisabeth Elliot’s life was like a bright light teaching us about love and trusting in God. She went to different places, shared stories, and showed us how to be kind and have faith. Even when sad things happened, she stayed strong and forgave people.

Her books and words help many people, and we can learn from her to be brave, kind, and always believe in the goodness of God. Elisabeth’s goodness will always be remembered, and we can be like her by being brave and loving others.



What did Elisabeth Elliot do to help people believe in God?

Elisabeth Elliot traveled to different places and told stories about God. She wrote many books that still make people feel happy and strong in their faith.

How did Elisabeth Elliot show she was strong and kind, even when something sad happened to her husband, Jim Elliot?

Elisabeth Elliot was very strong when her husband, Jim, died. Instead of being sad forever, she went back to the place where it happened and lived there. She forgave the people and showed lots of love.

Why did Elisabeth Elliot study a special language in college, and how did it help her?

Elisabeth Elliot learned a special language called Greek in college to talk to people about God. This helped her when she went to faraway places to share God’s love.

How did Elisabeth Elliot make sure she always believed in God, even when things were not easy in her life?

Elisabeth Elliot wrote stories in books that help people believe in God. Even when sad things happened, she stayed brave and kept telling everyone about God’s goodness.

Can you tell about Elisabeth Elliot’s families and why they were important to her?

Elisabeth Elliot had a family with a daughter and grandchildren. She loved them a lot. Even when she got married again, her family was always important, and they all loved God together.

Why do people still talk about Elisabeth Elliot, and how does she keep helping others today?

Elisabeth Elliot wrote many books that people still read. Her stories make us feel happy and strong. Even though she’s not here now, her words on the radio still help us remember to be brave and love God.

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