Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife

Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife

Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife: Scott Scovell Hamilton was born on August 28, 1958, in Toledo, Ohio. He is really good at ice skating. He won a big prize called the Olympic gold medal. This is a special award for being the best in ice skating. But, he didn’t have an easy start. When he was a kid, he had some health problems.

This means he was not always feeling well. But, he didn’t give up. He worked very hard and became very good at ice skating. He didn’t just stop at winning medals. He also helps others by giving money and support. Scott is a kind person. Now, he also works on TV and in other media. People all over the world look up to him and feel inspired by his story. He is a great example of not giving up and always trying your best.

Scott Hamilton Wiki
Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife

Scott Hamilton Biography

Full NameScott Scovell Hamilton
BirthdateAugust 28, 1958
BirthplaceToledo, Ohio
ParentsDorothy and Ernest S. Hamilton
Early ChallengeFaced a mysterious illness at age two affecting growth
EducationKenwood Elementary School, Bowling Green State University
Skating Career StartBegan training at 13 with coach Pierre Brunet
Olympic AchievementWon gold medal in 1984, ending a 24-year drought for American men
Media CareerCommentator for CBS and NBC, hosted “Skating with Celebrities”
FamilyMarried Tracie Robinson in 2002, three sons, one daughter
FaithDevout Christian, attributes resilience to relationship with Jesus
Health ChallengesBattled testicular cancer and benign brain tumors
Awards and RecognitionInducted into the United States Olympic Hall of Fame
Current ResidenceFranklin, Tennessee
Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife

Scott Hamilton’s Early Life

Scott Hamilton was born in Toledo, Ohio, to his mom and dad, Dorothy and Ernest S. Hamilton. When he was two, he got sick and became small for a bit. His family helped him get better and be strong.

Scott Hamilton’s Education

Scott grew up in Bowling Green, Ohio. He went to Kenwood Elementary and later studied at Bowling Green State University. He was good at both school and figure skating, showing he could do well in both.


Scott Hamilton’s Family

Scott Hamilton Wiki
Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife

In 2002, Scott got married to Tracie Robinson, who knows a lot about healthy eating. They have three boys and one girl. They live happily together in Franklin, Tennessee.

Scott Hamilton’s Skating Career

Scott started figure skating at 13 with a coach named Pierre Brunet. In 1980, he joined the U.S. Olympic team. He did great at the 1981 U.S. Championships and went on to win many competitions, even a gold medal at the 1984 Olympics.

Scott Hamilton’s Career in Media

After he stopped competing, Scott went into media. He talked about figure skating on TV for CBS and NBC. He also hosted a show called “Skating with Celebrities,” showing he could do more than just skate.

Scott Hamilton’s Faith

Scott believes in Jesus and says that helps him be strong. Being a Christian is important to him, and he thinks having faith is good when life is hard.

Scott Hamilton’s Illness

Scott had some health problems, like cancer and brain tumors. But he didn’t give up. He faced each problem with courage and became even stronger.

Scott Hamilton’s Awards and Recognition

People liked what Scott did in figure skating and helping others. He got awards and even went into a special Hall of Fame for Olympic athletes.

Scott Hamilton Social Media Platform

Instagram (IG)Scott Hamilton (@scotthamilton84)
Twitter (X)Scott Hamilton (@ScottHamilton84)
Facebook (FB)Scott Hamilton
Scott Hamilton Wiki: Wikipedia, Family, Biography, Kids, Brain Cancer, Bio, Children, Wife

Scott talks to people on the internet using Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. He shares pictures and messages to make people happy.


So, Scott Hamilton’s story is about not giving up and doing your best. From being a small kid in Toledo to winning big in figure skating, he shows that you can be good at different things. Even now, he talks to people online and makes them feel happy.



What made Scott Hamilton strong when he was a little kid?

When Scott Hamilton was a little kid, he got sick and became small. But his family helped him a lot, and he became strong and brave.

How did Scott Hamilton do well in both school and figure skating?

Scott Hamilton lived in Ohio and went to school. He was good at school and also loved figure skating. He did both things well, showing he was good at different stuff.

Who helped Scott Hamilton become a good figure skater when he was 13?

When Scott was 13, he started training with a coach named Pierre Brunet. With Pierre’s help, Scott became really good at figure skating and started doing big competitions.

What did Scott Hamilton do after he stopped skating in big competitions?

After Scott stopped competing in figure skating, he started talking about skating on TV. He worked for CBS and NBC and even hosted a show called “Skating with Celebrities.”

Why does Scott Hamilton say he is strong and successful?

Scott Hamilton believes in Jesus, and being a Christian is important to him. He says that Jesus helps him be strong and successful, especially when things are tough.

How does Scott Hamilton make people happy even now?

Scott Hamilton talks to people on the internet using Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. He shares pictures and messages to make people happy and feel good.

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